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Hering, Annett

Hering, Annett

In her first 34 years of life, nothing pointed to the subsequent developments. Annett Hering was raised rationally, pragmatically and yet very lovingly by her parents (teacher & graduate engineer).

Grandpa's Rauhnacht wisdom was rather smiled at and there was also a remedy for grandma's herbalism. At the end of the 90s, she came into contact with Feng Shui and has not let go since. The certified training with Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai (Yap Cheng Hai Academy Malaysia) followed. This impressive and humorous man, has taught her more than just classical Feng Shui. He has anchored in her that everything, even the seemingly inexplicable is explainable. So she was able to open her rational mind and accept the sometimes incomprehensible.

Over the years, her interest in rituals in and with the cycles of nature awakened more and more. With the shaman Denise Linn she learned how to clear energies in spaces (spaceclearing) and received soulcoaching training. Her esteemed teacher and Grand Master Prof. Dr. Jes Lim (Qi-Mag Institute) taught her healing of the land (geomancy) and trained her to be a Senior TAO Geomancy Master.

In incense seminars she teaches the effects and connections of incense. Since 2009, she has sensitively accompanied her readers through the Rauhnächte on her blog www.im-fluss-der-zeiten.de year after year.

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